Mobile Screen Repair

On-The-Go Repair with Ellwood City Glass Company

In the dynamic landscape of the tri-state area, where every detail of a home matters, damaged or worn-out screens can be more than just an eyesore; they can be a security concern. Ellwood City Glass Company introduces its mobile screen repair service, offering residents swift, efficient, and top-quality solutions right at their doorstep. Contact Ellwood City Glass Company by calling (724) 758-5160 or online to learn more about our mobile screen repair services today.

The Importance of Prompt Screen Repairs

Screens serve multiple functions, from keeping pests out to ensuring fresh airflow. The significance of a well-maintained screen extends beyond aesthetics:

Health & Safety:

Damaged screens can become entry points for insects and other pests. A quick repair ensures the well-being of your household by keeping unwanted guests out.

Energy Efficiency:

Screens play a crucial role in maintaining a home’s internal temperature, especially during warmer months. A fully functional screen allows for optimal airflow, reducing reliance on air conditioning and saving on energy bills.

Aesthetic Appeal:

A torn or damaged screen can mar the appearance of your beautiful home. Quick repairs ensure that your property always looks its best.

Why Opt for Ellwood City Glass Company's Mobile Service?

Time is of the essence, especially in today’s fast-paced world. Recognizing the busy schedules of our customers, our mobile screen repair service is designed to offer:


No need to detach and transport your screens. Our team comes to you, equipped with all the necessary tools and materials.


Our experienced technicians ensure that most repairs are completed swiftly, often during the initial visit.

Quality Assurance:

As with all our services, our mobile screen repairs guarantee quality, using the best materials and techniques to ensure longevity and durability.

Ellwood City Glass Company’s mobile screen repair service is more than just a convenience; it’s a testament to our commitment to providing the community with the best possible services. With us, you can be assured that your screens, and by extension your home, are in expert hands. Let us bring our expertise to your doorstep.